Phoenix MJ Daniels

I'm of Irish, French, Czech, and Slovak decent. Among these, I also fluently speak English and American Sign Language. I walk the path of Wiccan and Pagan belief. The name Phoenix was bestowed upon me by my covens leader for my fiery red hair, hot temper, and ability to rise above the horrendous things that have happened to me in my life. Which brings me to add that I am a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault. I run support groups for such survivors and a few for mental health awareness and cancer awareness. I love to read and write. I write a lot of poetry and I'm even published. I also write short stories, song lyrics, and I'm working on a SciFi/Fantasy novel I hope to get published. I'm an independent photographer and part time model. I play the violin and piano. I dance, and love all forms of art. I love animals and nature. I'm pansexual and gender-fluid, so this is a LGBTQ+ friendly channel. I always loved anime and only recently started making AMV's.