We offer tailored Coaching Programmes that will inspire you to move towards your goals and enjoy your life!
154 videos
Success Strategies from Clubhouse
The Mufasa Coaching Practice [Pty] Ltd
14 videos
Start with Why: Simon Sinek
17 videos
[Book Reading] The Five Second Rule
18 videos
SMI (Social Media Intelligence)
11 videos
[Book Reading] Authentic Leadership Effectiveness for Individuals and Teams
10 videos
[Book Reading] Business Coaching Wisdom and Practice
16 videos
[Book Reading] The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
[Book Reading] The 3rd Alternative: Stephen R. Covey
13 videos
[Book Reading] Executive Coaching with Backbone & Heart: Mary Beth O'Neill
23 videos
[Book Reading] The 8th Habit: Stephen R. Covey
[Book Reading] Energy Leadership: Bruce D. Shcneider