Multinational sonic explorers

Basement Saints

We’ve got a new song out!

1 year ago | [YT] | 0

Basement Saints

Here’s the music video to our new song “Night Owl”. I made it using AI generated images inspired by the lyrics. This song was written in the kitchen after waking up at 9PM, because i was up all night in shady dives and up to no good. Eerie Grand Piano and Hammond is a new addition to our band and boy... does it make a difference. It was also a sonic exploration for that fine line between Pop and Rock, as well as happy and sad. That empty melancholie you feel before another aimless night without any plans. A hymn to the sleepless, an ode to the lonely night owls. Hope you enjoy!

2 years ago | [YT] | 0

Basement Saints

New video up! A year ago this was all we ever wanted. We finally celebrated our belated album release party and Dario was there to film it! Rock'n'Roll

2 years ago | [YT] | 3

Basement Saints

"We have resorted to selling drugs.
We are heartbroken, sad and frustrated that all our concerts have been cancelled untill March. Untill then, Merchandise can be bought online and we'll deliver the goods disguised in pizza boxes.

"Wir haben unser Business auf den Verkauf von Drogen umgestellt.
Wir sind untröstlich, traurig und frustriert, dass alle unsere Konzerte bis März abgesagt worden sind. Bis dahin kann unser Merchandise online gekauft werden. Die Waren werden in Pizzakartons getarnt geliefert."

3 years ago | [YT] | 5

Basement Saints

We've got some limited edition shirts going till we release our album end of the month.
What do you think?

3 years ago | [YT] | 2