David Bott (Outside Our Bubble)

Addicted to travel, David and Brenda Bott set out to get outside their bubble and thus Outside Our Bubble was born in 2008. (OutsideOurBubble.com) They purchased a class A motor coach and hit the road. In late 2011 David discovered quadcoptors and started his research. In 2012, David started flying and thus videoing their adventures from around the US from a new perspective. We hope you enjoy our continued journeys as we continue to capture the beauty and events that make up this great nation.

Davids Info:

Network Operations Director for 14 years for a local government. Resigned 2002

Founder: AVSForum.com, DBSTalk.com, TiVoCommunity.com, Home Theater Cruise, LLC, DBNet Consulting, LLC
Advisory Board/Partner - Prelaunch.com
Personally responsible for helping to connect over 5 million unique enthusiasts a month and helping to push the A/V Industry.