Lyn is a deep researcher and teacher of God's word, constantly hunting for the absolute Truth, as well as the deep mysteries and meanings for us today in these end times! Aside from her YouTube channel, Lyn is a journalist, Christian video creator and also loves sharing her talents in music and comedy to bring laughter and joy to others.
Lyn Leahz
THE PLAGUE THAT IS SLOWLY KILLING GOD'S PEOPLE (Special Message With Christina Peck) ANOTHER EPIDEMIC DESTROYING JUST ABOUT EVERYONE! This message will have you laughing and crying! Find out more in this FUN and INFORMATIVE video message with LYN LEAHZ & CHRISTINA PECK! And, PLEASE SHARE!
1 week ago | [YT] | 3
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Lyn Leahz
1 month ago | [YT] | 2
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Lyn Leahz
The number of the beast has long been known as 666. But the earliest manuscript of the new testament, dated before all the rest, reveals a shockingly different number!
1 month ago | [YT] | 5
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Lyn Leahz
Medical Description of the Flogging and Crucifixion of Jesus
The following is excerpted from The Expositors Bible Commentary (Volume 8, pages 775-780, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984.)
(Commenting on Mark 15:15) The Romans first stripped the victim and tied his hands to a post above his head. The whip (flagellum) was made of several pieces of leather with pieces of bone and lead embedded near the ends. Two men, one on each side of the victim, usually did the flogging. The Jews mercifully limited flogging to a maximum of forty stripes; the Romans had no such limitation. The following is a medical doctor’s description of the physical effects of flogging.
The heavy whip is brought down with full force again and again across Jesus’ shoulders, back, and legs. At first the heavy thongs cut through the skin only. Then, as the blows continue, they cut deeper in the subcutaneous tissues, producing first and oozing of blood from the capillaries and veins of the skin, and finally spurting arterial bleeding from vessels in the underlying muscles… Finally the skin of the back is hanging in long ribbons and the entire area is an unrecognizable mass of torn, bleeding tissue. (C. Truman Davis, “The Crucifixion of Jesus. The Passion of Christ from a Medical Point of View,” Arizona Medicine 22, no. 3 [March 1965]: 185)
It is not surprising that victims of Roman floggings seldom survived.
(Commenting on Mark 15:17-18) The crown was made of some kind of prickly plant such as abounds in Palestine. This they pressed into his scalp. Again there must have been copious bleeding because the scalp is one of the most vascular areas of the body.
(Commenting on Mark 15:19) The mocking was followed by further physical violence. The blows hitting his head from the staff drove the thorns more deeply into Jesus’ scalp and caused even more profuse bleeding. They also kept spitting on him…
(Commenting on Mark 15:20) At last tiring of their sadism, the soldiers tore the robe from Jesus’ back. The fabric had probably stuck to the clots of blood and serum in the wounds. Thus when it was callously ripped off him, it caused excruciating pain, just as when a bandage is carelessly removed. Jesus’ own clothes were now put back on him.
(Commenting on Mark 15:21) Men condemned to die by crucifixion were customarily required to carry the heavy wooden crosspiece (patibulum) on which they were to be nailed, to the place of execution. Jesus started out carrying his cross (John 19:17), but it proved to be too much for him. The patibulum usually weighed thirty or forty pounds and was usually strapped across the shoulders. One can hardly imagine the pain caused by the rough heavy beam pressing into the lacerated skin and muscles of Jesus’ shoulders. The scourging of blood so weakened him that he could not go on carrying the heavy crossbeam.
(Commenting on Mark 15:24) Mark simply says, “And they crucified him.” What incredible restraint! Especially when one considers that crucifixion was, as Cicero said, “the cruelest and most hideous punishment possible” (In Verrem 5.54.165). What took place physically is described by Davis (“Crucifixion of Jesus,” pp. 186-187).
Simon is ordered to place the patibulum on the ground and Jesus is quickly thrown backwards with his shoulders against the wood. The legionnaire feels for the depression at the front of the wrist. He drives a heavy, square, wrought-iron nail through the wrist and deep into the wood. Quickly he moves to the other side and repeats the action, being careful not to pull the arms too tightly, but to allow some flexion and movement. The cross is then lifted into place.
The left foot is pressed backward against the right foot, and with both feet extended, toes down, a nail is driven through the arch of each, leaving the knees moderately flexed. The victim is now crucified. As he slowly sags down with more weight on the nails in the wrists, excruciating, fiery pain shoots along the fingers and up the arms to explode in brain the nails in the wrists are putting pressure on the median nerves. As he pushes himself upward to avoid this stretching torment, he places the full weight on the nail through his feet. Again he feels the searing agony of the nail tearing through the nerves between the metatarsal bones of the feet.
At this point, another phenomenon occurs. As the arms fatigue, cramps sweep through the muscles, knotting them in deep, relentless, throbbing pain. With these cramps comes the inability to push himself upward to breathe. . . . Air can be drawn into the lungs but not exhaled. Jesus fights to raise himself in order to get even one small breath. Finally carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and in the blood stream, and the cramps partially subside. Spasmodically he is able to push himself upward to exhale and bring in life-giving oxygen.
Hours of this limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint-rending cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain as tissue is torn from his lacerated back as he moves up and down against the rough timber. Then another agony begins a deep, crushing pain deep in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serum and begins to compress the heart.
It is now almost over the loss of tissue fluids reached a critical level the compressed heart is struggling to pump heavy, thick, sluggish blood into the tissues the tortured lungs are making a frantic effort to gasp in small gulps of air. The body of Jesus is now in extremis, and He can feel the chill of death creeping through his tissues. His mission of atonement has been completed. Finally he can allow His body to die.
All this, the Bible records with the simple words, “And they crucified him” (Mark 15:24).
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Lyn Leahz
1 month ago | [YT] | 11
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Lyn Leahz
1 month ago | [YT] | 7
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Lyn Leahz
WHERE IS THE ANTICHRIST?! Hiding Where You Least Expect!
Throughout the ages, people have been searching for the Antichrist. Many people have been accused of being this dreaded world dictator. Among those are Nero, Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy, Saddam Hussein, George Soros, Pope Francis, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Prince Harry and more! In fact, the list is enormous and growing!
Surprisingly, even Jesus Christ was accused by the church of His day of being an antichrist when they falsely slandered Him, stating that He was working for Satan!
Matthew 12:24
But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons."
But what if you were told that the Antichrist is not who you think? With a massive list of hundreds of candidates, both dead and alive, throughout history, have we gotten it right yet?
If we want to really know who the Antichrist is, we must first examine the scriptures closely, prayerfully, and deeply. We will begin with the biblical definition of "Antichrist" which is simply, "instead of Christ."
We must also understand what it means to "deny" Christ. Many of us think it's as simple as saying, "I don't believe in Christ." But it's not.
It means exactly what alleged Christians are doing today...denying the REAL Jesus of the bible by teaching and accepting a false Jesus Christ and rejecting the one true Son of God in the Bible. Watering down the real gospel message to make it conform to the ways of the flesh, teaching a hyper-grace Jesus Christ, and more!
Alleged Christians do this daily, and even some of you reading this are doing it and may not even realize it.
The only time the word "antichrist" appears in the Bible is in a few verses in John. Here are a couple of them. Who does John say the Antichrist is?
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.
1 John 2:18
Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
Jesus used the word "false Christs" which simply means false worshipers of Christ and false teachers of Christ. Please note, the word "prophets" as seen below in Greek also means "religious imposter" and "inspired speaker".
Matthew 24:24-25
For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. [25] Behold, I have told you in advance.
Notice here He says, "MANY" which means "largely" or "large".
Matthew 24:11-12
[11] Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. [12] Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.
Numerous passages in the Bible give us a clear image of this wicked adversary of God's people, however, 1 Samuel 17 gives a really good picture of the antichrist.
His name is Goliath; the Philistine blooded beastial giant whose head gear was made out of bronze, which is defined in Hebrew as "serpent, fleeing serpent".
In fact, while we are looking at meetings of words, let’s just have a look at the definition of the Hebrew word the name Goliath is rooted in and keep in mind what we are talking about here. Make sure you read the rest of my commentary to the end, especially after reading the definition of Goliath because you will be amazed! 
 A primitive root; to denude (especially in a disgraceful sense); by implication to exile (captives being usually stripped); figuratively to reveal: - + {advertise} {appear} {bewray} {bring} ({carry} {lead} go) captive (into {captivity}) {depart} {disclose} {discover} {exile} be {gone} {open} X {plainly} {publish} {remove} {reveal} X {shamelessly} {shew} X {surely} {tell} uncover.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition
to uncover, remove
to uncover 1.
to remove, depart 2.
to go into exile 3. a.
to uncover oneself a.
to discover or show oneself b.
to reveal himself (of God) c. 1.
to be uncovered a.
to be disclosed, be discovered b.
to be revealed c. 2.
to be removed 3. b.
to uncover (nakedness)
nakedness a.
general b. 1.
to disclose, discover, lay bare 2.
to make known, show, reveal 3. c.
(Pual) to be uncovered d.
(Hiphil) to carry away into exile, take into exile e.
(Hophal) to be taken into exile f.
to be uncovered 1.
to reveal oneself
As the Biblical account goes, a young boy known as David, who later became King over God's people, defeated him with one smooth perfect stone "between the eyes" in which Goliath fell over, and I'd imagine he shook the earth beneath him as he hit the ground. Little David then wielded his sword, removing his head and held it high before all to see as the Philistines fled like frightened mice.
David represents God's young small remnant at the very end defeating the beastial giant called "the great apostasy" whose head is Satan himself, but looks like Jesus Christ.
What does apostasy mean in Hebrew? It means turning away, backsliding, and turn back. The body of the Antichrist are the people of God who have apostatised their faith in Christ and returned to the ways of the flesh. Jesus Christ gives us a clear example of those people in Matthew 13 using birds and seeds. The Bible also depicts the apostate church as becoming massive, comparing to a woman who snuck and hid a small amount of leavening in a lump of dough that becomes gigantic.
The end times church does exactly what the church of Jesus' day did to Jesus... they put him to death, spiritually speaking, and go after the ways of the flesh. In so doing, they have made the adversary, Satan, the head of the church! The church that teaches a different gospel, a different spirit (antichrist spirit) and a different Jesus Christ. A Jesus they have made in their own power and strength who is not the Jesus of the Bible. He looks very similar, but when one looks more closely, it's not Jesus!
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. [14] No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. [15] Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.
How do God's people defeat this giant Goliath atrocity? They defeat him with the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus Christ Himself and the sword of the Spirit! The forehead in Hebrew is deeply rooted in teachers! In this case, it is the FALSE teachers!
God's true teachers begin to rise to their feet, shining the light of the real Jesus Christ by teaching the truth and destroying the deceptions of the false teachers, therefore removing Satan as the head of the church! As a result, Christ returns to His rightful place as head of the church!
We were warned, many times over! Here are just a few more of those warnings!
Jude 1:4
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 5:9-13
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with immoral people; [10] I did not at all mean with the immoral people of this world, or with the covetous and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. [11] But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-not even to eat with such a one. [12] For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? [13] But those who are outside, God judges. Remove THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.
1 month ago | [YT] | 2
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Lyn Leahz
ANCIENT JEWISH WEDDINGS & THE RETURN OF CHRIST! YOU WILL BE STUNNED! Wait until you find out what the return of Christ and ancient Jewish Weddings have in common, (including some of the most frequently quoted verses, such as, John 14:3, "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also,") and much, MUCH more! What does God want? What does He expect? What is He waiting for? And why did Jesus say, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone"? Find out a wealth of stunning information in this video! And, PLEASE SHARE!
1 month ago | [YT] | 7
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Lyn Leahz
A Very Intimate, Deeply Prophetic Message From God Hidden Within the Words For Us Today! THE PRODIGAL SON! Jesus Christ revealed something absolutely incredible in His parable about the prodigal son! Woven together in the words and blended with the story is a message from God so passionate and so promising, it may even bring tears to your eyes! Watch the entire message from start to finish and find out! And, PLEASE SHARE THIS so others will also be blessed!
1 month ago | [YT] | 6
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Lyn Leahz
HUGE FIND! MUST SEE! THE MYSTERY OF THE SEVENTH DAY (SABBATH) & THE RETURN OF CHRIST! Find out in this message what Jesus really meant in one of His conversations with the Pharisees about the Sabbath! You will be stunned! And, please share this!
2 months ago | [YT] | 8
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