Hiya , Whats Up. Im Chloe , I Love HSM and I am a proud Baby-V supporter.If you are add me as a friend, Keep checking back for more videos.

My name is Chloe
Living in UK
Loves My family , Friends and dogs
has a huge crush on George Sampson
Looks up to Selena Gomez for her fashion!
Obsessed with HSM & Tops of the pops mag
and I'm a proud Zanessa supporter

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500 subscribers
50 videos
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8,000 channel views

"I'll be standing at our Meet and Greet playing the air drums,and it actually makes sense to me what im playing,but to everyone else it looks like I'm flinging my arms and spazzing out!" -Nick Jonas

"I'm the baby,but i'm more adult than Kevin and Joe" -Nick Jonas