A woman of thousand voices and thousand faces.

"My one hope every time I sing is to sing freely enough to have the spirit come to me. And once I am there, it is truly a gift. I am flying free; I finally get to escape everything. And in that space, whether anyone recognizes it or not, I feel connected to something greater than myself. I realized eventually that I couldn’t close my eyes anymore and just sing. I needed to get the band and the audience to see what I saw and felt inside. I needed to have them escape with me." [Cyndi Lauper - A Memoir]

"But with Cyndi it's more than themes, it's about energy, an elemental energy that comes from fire, water, earth. With Cynd there is truth even when she is putting on an act for an audience. As goofy as she is or however she is, I feel an element of truth in nearly anything she does. It is that element of reality that I get with Cyndi" - Mike