Ex-recruiter & HR helping you GET HIRED & PAID in careers you love.

My name is Sho Dewan and I have helped thousands land & excel in their ideal careers. My mission is to help YOU do the same. I post daily career videos so hit SUBSCRIBE to not miss out on the action!

1M+ followers on social media & featured in LinkedIn Learning, Business Insider, Wall Street Journal, and more.

To get our free resume template & work together: linkin.bio/workhap
For all social media channels: @workhap

Sho Dewan

One of my all-time favorite client wins... Darcy got a $200K+ role!!

And her new team saw her value so much that they went over $30,000 the salary band to get her.

This is why it is SO SO SO IMPORTANT that you know your value! While salary range is a good estimate of what the budget is...

Hiring managers know that good talent is hard to find and will PAY top dollar to get your skills & experience!

So what exactly did Darcy do to get a new $200K+ role in 6 weeks? Here's her exact steps:

1. She got clear on what she wanted in her next career move first

Getting specific means knowing what kind of role you are targeting + the right kind of company for her!

Her background is in marketing and after a career break, wanted to get a senior role in comms and content for a growing tech company.

2. She worked on knowing her experience in and out

It's easy to just list out skills and experiences on your resume but top talent know their BEST STORIES. That's what Darcy focused on.

3. She worked her network but...

She got this role through straight applying online! SO YES, applying online still works when you have a tailored resume for the role.

4. Darcy knew her value and interviewed with multiple companies at the same time

Companies know talent when they see it, and they especially want that candidate when they know other companies want them too!

She lined up her interviews to clash and that's how she was able to negotiate $30,000 ABOVE the salary band.

I love what we get to do and seeing these wins is just the best cherry on top. Let me know if you learned something new!

#career #wins

5 months ago | [YT] | 5

Sho Dewan

It’s scary because it’s unfamiliar. Not because you are incapable ❤️

Here are a few of my favorite success stories who believed in themselves and went after their big goals! Love that me and my Get Hired Academy get to do this for so many around the 🌎

Comment “GETHIRED” if you would like to get an amazing new role and big salary increase, and I’ll send you our free templates and more info about working together. Doors are closing soon for this cohort!

What feels unfamiliar to you right now that you will go after? Let me know in the comments!

Image credit: @michellcclark

#career #newjob #bigwin

9 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 42

Sho Dewan


It’s been so fun teaching the 5000+ who showed up and took action this week. And now finishing it off with a bang to GET YOU PAID!

Join us for our our last day of our FREE masterclass series ending with Negotiating Your Best Offer.

RSVP with link in comments.

#salarynegotiation #career

9 months ago | [YT] | 8

Sho Dewan

Reminder for you today👇

You’re too busy being hard on yourself when you should really be proud of how far you’ve come.

Keep going, my friend.

Source: One37pm

9 months ago | [YT] | 53

Sho Dewan

😂 do you have one of these jobs?

Source: Jacob Spiegel

9 months ago | [YT] | 13

Sho Dewan

What an ideal career looks like to me!

Comment “2024 WIN” if you are ready to get a new job in 2024 and want to join our FREE 3 day job search masterclass starting January 9, 2024!

I’ll send you the link to RSVP and save your seat + free resume & networking templates 👌 Follow @gethired2024 where I will share more on how you can stand out and get hired this year🔥

What else would you add to this list?

#career #jobsearch #2024

9 months ago | [YT] | 28

Sho Dewan

Look ahead and see if you want their life.

If yes (or maybe), you probably found the right path.

If no but you like what you do now, then that’s also okay.

But if it’s a HELL NO, then you should keep looking until it’s a F YES.

Agree? Let me know in the comments.

#career #job

9 months ago | [YT] | 17

Sho Dewan

😂😂😂 helping us all out by adjusting the market rate

Credits: iamemployedaf @ Instagram

9 months ago | [YT] | 46

Sho Dewan

Nothing makes me happier than seeing you all win ❤️❤️❤️

Hope to see you in our free Masterclass in January. RSVP here: workhap.com/masterclass

#wins #career

9 months ago | [YT] | 11

Sho Dewan

Goal for 2024: surround yourself with people who want to see YOU win.

Credits: thedulab @ Twitter

9 months ago | [YT] | 36