Welcome to my channel! 😊

I am a slave to the trophy collecting when it comes to PS4 and PS5 and I love to 100% games.
I am making a long list of games I have 100% or have platinumed over the years.

Problem is, Nintendo in general, don’t have any records for completing the games they have. No trophies, achievements, etc.
So… I am going to record my gameplay of Nintendo games to start off with. Going for 100% completion no matter how long it takes of course. A lot of these games I have not played in a long ass time.

This is mainly for me as a record so I can add the games to my list and look back on them.
These will be unedited videos. Raw gameplay files.
I will timestamp the videos to make lengthy videos manageable if you wish to skip through.
I am happy for anyone to watch along and comment. 😊

Comment below with a game you'd like to see me play!
I have a huge list I want to get through, but feel free to add your ideas too! :)
List is here - dub.sh/gugvxKt


Shared 55 years ago