Examining weather manipulation and corresponding weather patterns on the Eastern Pacific ocean which engineered a California drought from 2010-2017. The analysis includes the use of satellite-based laser & microwave transmitters to: a) Generate on-demand high pressure to steer and manipulate moisture in the Jet Stream, b) Superheat and disrupt / destroy the centers of hurricanes and large thunderstorm cells, diminishing their strength & rain potential. Chemical aerosol 'chemtrails' sprayed by high-flying jets ahead of storm / weather fronts and over moisture fields cause a hot-air inversion layer, diminishing the precipitation process. Aerosol 'chemtrails' greatly lower the Relative Humidity and Dew point which diminish precipitation in the targeted region. Using a Barometer, Temperature, RH and Dew point instruments, you can observe the RH drop after the aerosols are sprayed. Watch the barometer RISE when storms approach CA - and the specific timing of the chemtrail spraying!