The Omnivore Indian

I am very much the Omnivore Indian, cooking quick and simple, as well as slow and complex recipes everyday at home for my family. My recipes are often improvised with ingredients that are available in my fridge or store cupboard, resulting in fusion dishes that incorporate traditional Indian cookery with different world cuisines. I am happy to share my tasty, twisted recipes with all of you!
A very warm welcome to my food and drink channel! I hope I can inspire you to experiment and enjoy cooking different dishes, both traditional and modern from different parts of the world, using a variety of ingredients. Do check out my playlists to know about the wide variety of dishes that I have uploaded to YouTube. Many of my dishes are completely original YouTube first videos. It is my endeavour to introduce Indians to different world cuisines and non-Indians to everyday as well as gourmet Indian dishes. I would love it if you subscribe to my channel and support me on my journey. Enjoy!