Aniel K Kumar Imprints

NLP Subconscious ReImprinting Training in India by the master life coach Mr Aniel K Kumar.
He has dedicated his life to the cause of human empowerment. He has designed most-effective NLP workshops to the transformation of human through amazing technology of human mind.
Our this Channel "Aniel K Kumar Imprints" is dedicated to sharing videos of Mr.Aniel K Kumar on Self-development & NLP. These videos are created in order to help those who are really interested in Self-development or wish to learn NLP & its Techniques.
Mr Aniel K Kumar is the founder of Success Imprints Organization and one of the most reputed names in the field of NLP, Training, Motivation, Personal Counseling, Coaching & Corporate training. He is widely recognized for his simplicity and depth of knowledge. He is also an Author and has earned respect as a true Life Transformer.
We provide unmatched training for those who wish to Develop Themselves and those are either Trainers, Counselors & Coaches or aspire to be one.