Ultraflamz 64 is an individual who happens to be a very obscure and underrated youtube channel that primarily uploads reviews of somewhat niche videogames and movies (TV show reviews coming soon) that most youtubers don't talk about because Ultra is the kind of person who likes niche and somewhat obscure stuff.
I already know that most of you aren't here for my reviews, but rather a stupid clip from the show "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt", a video that I stole from Twitter when I was 15 and uploaded for shits and giggles, only for it to blow up in popularity and made me regret my decision to upload it because I'm sick and tired of its success and overshadowing my reviews which are the type of things I'm most passionate about.
Ultra does not have a schedule and only uploads whenever their reviews are ready and finished, I.E; every couple of months because making reviews are very time-consuming and take a ton of effort to write, voice, and edit.