Divine Spark Creations

Spiritual Healing
Awakening support for the consciousness journey
Be the best version of yourself that you can be
Follow your own path
#awakenings #soulpurpose #acension #spiritualawakening #universe #universehasyourback #soulwisdom

Divine Spark Creations

This love letter is for you if you're feeling disliked, left out, or misunderstood. It's you, isn't it? I know. It's been me too.

For most of my life, both child and adult, I wanted everyone to like me. Actually, I wanted everyone to freaking LOVE me. It was so important for me that you thought that I was ok, doing a good job, successful, funny, normal (LOLLLL), whatever. I just wanted to be your friend.

Ahhh, yes. Life spent living from the outside in. Life spent living with 7 billion attachments to 7 billion people outside of myself, so if someone didn't like me, then I didn't like me. It was a push/pull of anguish and exhilaration. Meeting new people? I'd show 'em the old razzle dazzle. Boss mad at me? Kill me now. Earth, swallow me up. Pretend I was never even born.

If this isn't a version of living hell, then I don't know what is.

Can anyone relate?

Here is something that happened for me. The past few years put me through a series of wonderful, soul-sculpting tests where I had to come up against my codependent insecurities about not being accepted and loved by all. I was asked to show up more and then when I did, I was told to tone it down. Trying to be accepted felt like I was being thrown into a game of chess.

I do not know how to play chess.

I am SO happy and grateful these experiences happened. They taught me the following:

1. Not everyone is going to like you. There are people who will be committed to disliking you, no matter what you do or who you are. THOSE ARE NOT YOUR PEOPLE.

2. They are, however, your greatest teachers. Can you hold neutrality in the face of discomfort? Can you love from afar? Can you find the beauty in others even if they can't or won't find it in you?

3. Everything that happens is a result of a story you are telling yourself. You have no idea what is going on with others, why they are where they are. The only solution is to work on compassion without conditions, but boundaries for your own self-respect.

4. You don't have to sit at tables where people talk about you when you get up. Just stop going.

5. Seriously. You don't have to go.

6. Do not stop shining, honey. I can tell you this- true friends cheer like mad when you win. It hurts like hell, but don't expect everyone to cheer for you when you win, even the people you thought would. Remember- everything is a reflection of where one is at. For some, your success will be too painful for them, and that is their truth. Do not make it yours.

7. Leaders have to be ok with not being loved by all. Leaders have to make difficult decisions and stand strong.

8. Your network is your net worth- emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially, mentally. Surround yourself with people looking to serve, uplift, grow and lead with love. What's wrong is ALWAYS available. So is what's right. Find those people.

9. Don't let the hardness of the world make you hard. Stay soft.

10. Forgiveness is a gift you give YOURSELF. Cut the damn cords already- let the person who is living in your head free. For every negative thought you have about them, you are squandering moments you could be having of joy. Find help if you need to. I recommend ho'oponopono, it's changed my life.

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

You are working on yourself, right?

You should be eating healthy, exercising, and focusing on mental health. It's not that hard.

Don't work on yourself too much though, it's selfish.

You are fixing yourself for the benefit of everyone bar yourself right?

Do you go to therapy or have a spiritual practice? You should really have a community to support you.

You can’t make time for you as a priority.

You are making good choices, right?

Are you working hard and saving money? Did you get a higher education to provide for yourself

A better choice would be to stay in a job you hate. It's not right to leave as you have bills to pay.

You are buying organic right?

Don't be so strict, you have to let things go sometimes.

You are showing up for other people, right?

It is your job to care for others and be there for them. You are not priority no 1.

Make sure you show up for yourself first, though. It's not so hard.

You clean, right?

Your house is a mess. If you can't do it yourself just hire someone.

You have lots of friends, right?

It's not good to be lonely. You should have friends to go out with and spend time with.

You are working on your past trauma, aren't you?

Make sure you heal yourself so that you will have a happy life

Also, don't blame others for your issues. Take responsibility.

No 1 priorities for yourself:

Eat the right foods.
Save money.
Heal yourself.
Don't be selfish.
Take care of people.
Take care of yourself.
Make enough money.
Don't work too much.
Make good choices.
Work on yourself.
Parent yourself .
Do the chores.
Chase your dreams.
Let things go.
Love yourself.
Focus on your health.
Go to work.
Get enough rest.
Don't be lazy.
Don't complain.
Be grateful.


Sound familiar?

We are all STRESSED.

Stress affects every system that keeps your body and brain functioning.

It has even been called a "silent killer".

There is facade of perfect lives cascading across social media platforms.

The expectations of being there for everyone are out of reach.

The pressure to show up and succeed in every area of life has never been higher.

You are being overloaded by information on the internet, advice from friends, and conflicting opinions.

We are being pulled further and further away from our own intuition, and it is causing a wave of dangerously stressed parents.

Put the phone down.
Shut the audiobook off.
Give the podcast a break.
Distance yourself from those with strong opinions.

Turn inward and listen to your inner compass. Let it guide you and let it remind you that you are doing a great job.

We can't do it all, and that is ok.

Surrender, take baby steps, and give yourself grace.

I see you. 💗

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

When you let go of the old pain, the outdated beliefs, the unhelpful habits, and the imbalanced ways of being, an incredible transformation begins.

It's like shedding a heavy, worn-out cloak that you've been carrying for years. The weight lifts, and suddenly, you can breathe more freely.

You begin to grow new ways of thinking, feeling, and being.

Imagine waking up with a sense of possibility rather than dread.

Your mind becomes a garden where positive thoughts and self-compassion bloom, replacing the weeds of self-doubt and negativity.

This journey of letting go and growing anew brings profound changes:

🌱 Clarity and Focus: Without the constant noise of the inner critic, you can think more clearly and focus on what truly matters.

🌱 Emotional Freedom: Old wounds no longer dictate your reactions. You feel lighter, more joyful, and open to new experiences.

🌱 Self-Compassion: You start treating yourself with kindness and understanding, appreciating your journey and progress.

🌱 Empowerment: As you build new ways of being, you gain confidence and a sense of empowerment. You know you can handle whatever comes your way.

🌱 Opportunity and Gratitude: As you begin to trust yourself and work with Consciousness, you start to see opportunities, feel deep gratitude, and notice the path unfolding before you.

Letting go of the old and nurturing the new is a beautiful process. It’s about rediscovering yourself and creating a life that feels authentic and fulfilling. Embrace this journey and watch yourself flourish.

With my love,

#Transformation #HealingJourney #SelfGrowth #Empowerment #LettingGo #InnerCritic #NewBeginnings

3 months ago | [YT] | 1

Divine Spark Creations

When you know how to heal those parts of you that are imbalanced and holding you back, you step into an empowered state of being.

Life changes dramatically when you have the tools to handle sticky and challenging situations.

Imagine the freedom that comes with knowing how to shift out of pain and into a state of flow.

This isn't just about managing difficulties; it's about transforming your entire experience of life.

When you can navigate challenges with ease and confidence, it opens up a whole new level of freedom and possibility.

Healing is a beautiful gift to give yourself.

Embrace it and watch your life transform.

#HealingJourney #Empowerment #SelfCare #PersonalGrowth #FreedomToThrive

3 months ago | [YT] | 1

Divine Spark Creations

✨Adopt these 7 habits to be limitless✨

Limitless: The power of being unstoppable ❌

Being unstoppable always begins with a limitless belief in yourself 🚀

Belief is what keeps you going when you’re exhausted, drained and running on empty 💭

💡Learning how to be relentless in life is about eliminating those thoughts.
🤩It’s about knowing – without a doubt – that you can reach those next two millimetres, and you will. 👊🏻No matter what

⭐️This is what really sets apart the great from the good, the excellent from the ordinary ⭐️

🔥Limitless people are those who push past the conventional boundaries and challenges, continually defying the odds and redefining what is possible 🔥

‘The only limits are those, we place on ourselves’

Do you see yourself as someone with limitless potential? 🌶️✨🚀

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

Imagine being completely captivated by an amazing story. 📚✨ It's like a burst of flavour that awakens your senses and leaves a lasting impression on your heart and mind. ❤️💭 From that moment on, life takes on a whole new meaning, and the thought of settling for ordinary becomes unimaginable.

Once you've experienced the richness of a truly fulfilling narrative, you can't go back to the mundane. The dull and repetitive moments that used to fill your days lose their appeal. 🌪️🙅‍♀️ Instead, you crave purpose, depth, and significance in every aspect of life. The desire to create and be a part of meaningful stories becomes a fundamental part of who you are. It drives you to seek out extraordinary adventures and form meaningful connections with others. ✨🌍🤝

No longer satisfied with a dull existence, you long for the intense emotions and life-changing experiences that only a good story can bring. It's like a magnetic force that pulls at the very core of your being, urging you to embrace the extraordinary and reject a life of monotony. 🌟💪

So, be aware - once you've lived a good story, you can't go back. It becomes a part of you, forever altering how you see the world and igniting a passion for a life filled with purpose. 🔥🌎

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

Success without meaning is nothing.

Find something you are passionate about & let that lead you to your greatness.🙌😍

It's not easy yet it'll be worth every moment of struggle 💯

We've all have low moments let those moments inspire you, not crush you.

Don't let the opinions of others stop you from creating your dreams.

Keep taking steps toward your goals no matter how small & you will get there.

I know for me I don't want to take a chance at regret.

We can fail at what we don't love so why not go for what we do? (Jim Careys Dad said something similar lol)

What is something you care about deeply?🤔👇

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

Hey beautiful,

When you begin to fully trust yourself and create a firm foundation of self-love and self-acceptance, you will naturally start attracting healthier relationships.

Relationships don't have to be hard, filled with anxiety, or a roller coaster of emotions.

Often, they are built that way because of your beliefs about yourself and other people.

You will always attract someone who mirrors how you feel and think about yourself.

If you have a pattern of being in toxic relationships, it's likely your beliefs indicate that you are not worthy or deserving of real, authentic, and healthy love.

This can stem from insecurities, relational patterns you witnessed growing up, or the belief that relationships must be hard and require constant effort to work.

Once you begin to shift your beliefs about yourself and relationships, you will find that people with good intentions will naturally be drawn to you.

If you want a relationship that brings you peace, happiness, and calmness, you must first believe that you are capable of having it.

If you would like to dive deeper into the belief systems that have been limiting your true relational desires, send me a message, let's chat 🤗

3 months ago | [YT] | 2

Divine Spark Creations

In the life of every human being, the inner critic can be a formidable adversary.

This internal voice often amplifies our fears, casting doubt on our decisions and capabilities, ultimately hindering our progress.

Understanding how to manage this critic is crucial for anyone looking to thrive in their business.

Why Addressing the Inner Critic and Fear is Vital:

1. Action vs. Stagnation: The inner critic can paralyse us with fear, leading to procrastination and inaction. Tackling this head-on is essential for maintaining momentum in your business.

2. Confidence: Constant criticism from your inner critic can erode your self-confidence. Building resilience against this self-doubt is key to your entrepreneurial mindset.

3. Innovation and Risk-Taking: Fear instilled by the inner critic can prevent you from taking calculated risks that could lead to significant growth and innovation in your business.

Strategies to Manage Your Inner Critic and Overcome Fear:

- Awareness is the First Step: Recognise when your inner critic is speaking. Often, just being aware of these thoughts can lessen their impact.

- Challenge Unhelpful Thoughts: When you catch yourself succumbing to negative self-talk, challenge these thoughts. Are they based on facts, or are they exaggerations fuelled by fear?

- Positive Affirmations: Regularly affirming your capabilities can help counterbalance the negativity of the inner critic. Remind yourself of your past successes and strengths.

- Seek Feedback: Sometimes, we are our own harshest critics. Seeking constructive feedback from trusted colleagues can provide a more balanced perspective on your performance and ideas.

- Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you detach from the incessant chatter of the inner critic, allowing you to approach business challenges with a clearer, more focused mind.

- Professional Guidance: Engaging with a coach or mentor can provide strategies to effectively manage self-doubt and harness your fears constructively.


Your inner critic, while challenging, is ultimately trying to protect you from failure.

However, in business, stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing potential failure is often necessary for growth.

Recognising the voice of your inner critic and responding with rational, supportive self-talk can transform fear into a powerful motivator.

If you are ready to work more deeply with your inner critic, clear those old beliefs that are no longer serving you and build your confidence from the inside we can do this together.

With my love,


#BusinessMindset #OvercomingFear #InnerCritic #EntrepreneurTips

3 months ago | [YT] | 1

Divine Spark Creations

Do you believe you are beautiful?

This is not about others.

Not about how others see you, and what they think about your looks.

YOU — what do you believe, about yourself?

I invite you to reflect on this for a moment.

Often, I get asked… why is this even important?

Well, it’s a matter of Self-Love.

Can you fully love your Human?

Can you fully love the Woman that you are?

Can you fully love your home temple, your Body?


We have been taught to measure ourselves against others.

We have been told our bodies are a ‘trend’.

We have been shown that the degree to which we will be liked, and even loved… is about how we look, to others.

My love, it is not so.

Not when you become the Beholder of your own Beauty.


It’s an act of sacred rebellion to step into accepting yourself, revering yourself, adoring yourself…

Finding and adoring the Beauty of your form is the path to embodied Self-Love.


Imagine not needing to change a thing about yourself to feel worthy, deserving, at home within your body and Beautiful, now.

Imagine feeling at peace with your age, your complexion, your figure, your biology, and your physical appearance, now.

Imagine looking in the mirror with deep reverence, gratitude, appreciation and adoration, now.


It is all available to you.

3 months ago | [YT] | 2