VJ / Video Artist .
I am a digital artist. I use my computers to make printed art and video and work as a VJ (Video Jockey) in discotheques. In all my work I am looking for the WOW feeling of the viewer. I created my own technique and use my own hard and software. This way I developed a very recognizable (Hans Bijloo) style. Since 2008 I concentrated on making video clips and work as a VJ. I have a residency at The Patronaat in Haarlem and I showed my visuals at big clubs in Amsterdam like Club Canvas, Roest, Panama, Amsterdam Students Association, Hotel Arena and other clubs in the Netherlands. In cooperation with the DJ, I always want to make a unforgettable experience for the visitors of the club. The visuals must give the visitor a total feeling of being in the club and enjoy the music. Before I play at a club I make a lot of preparations. I make artwork and short movies of the DJ's who are playing and about the theme of the party.

11 videos