My name is Grant Sanderson. Videos here cover a variety of topics in math, or adjacent fields like physics and CS, all with an emphasis on visualizing the core ideas. The goal is to use animation to help elucidate and motivate otherwise tricky topics, and for difficult problems to be made simple with changes in perspective.

For more information, other projects, FAQs, and inquiries see the website:


Next two linear algebra quizzes. These are from the part of the series that connected the geometric interpretation of dot/cross products to their formulas.

Dot products and duality:
Cross products:
Cross products in the light of linear transformations:

Full series:

22 hours ago | [YT] | 358


Next two linear algebra quizzes:
Inverse matrices:
Non-square matrices:

1 day ago | [YT] | 440


Two more linear algebra quizzes. Enjoy!

Matrix multiplication:

Full series:

2 days ago | [YT] | 867


A few people kindly created interactive quizzes associated with the linear algebra series. Over the next few days, I'll post the quizzes with each successive video in the series. Here are the first three, enjoy!

Quiz 1, on vectors:

Quiz 2, on span:

Quiz 3, on linear transformations:

Full series:

3 days ago | [YT] | 7,036


I'd like to share some music from the channel's regular composer, Vince Rubinetti, for a project never (yet) made:

I spent an embarrassingly large amount of mindshare in 2021 and 2022 researching the story of Évariste Galois, and began to assemble a large video about it. The end of of the story is quite famous to those who study math: He died in a duel at 20 years old, preceded by a night frantically compiling notes representing some of the first steps into group theory. The full story and broader context is not as well known, and has been confused by apocryphal tales and twisted narratives over the years.

It would make a great video, and ultimately an overwhelming amount of scope-creep led me to set it aside for a while for my own sanity. I fully hope to pick it back up again one day, but in the mean time, Vince and I wanted to share some nice pieces produced during that time intended to serve as the soundtrack.

1 month ago | [YT] | 6,764


Even though I did not run a Summer of Math Exposition this year, the community did have its own grass-roots version, SoMEπ. You can explore some of the entries that bubbled to the top based on the peer review process at

3 months ago | [YT] | 4,252


Oh hey, it looks like the channel passed Tau Million subscribers! This is cause for some kind of celebration. What do you think about a simple behind-the-scenes style video on how I animate, both showing what manim is and how I use it?

If so, do you have any requests for a mathematically interesting thing to animate as a demonstration? Preferably something where the code can be short, but the final result has something interesting to look at. For instance, something like the illustrations of Lissajous curves would be perfect (see the animation and code below).

Also, the next installment on Transformers is coming soon, there were a few other things going on in my life in the last month that pulled me away from it.

7 months ago | [YT] | 11,611


I often prefer to read math than to watch videos on it, especially in reviewing material. For anyone who feels the same, there are now written/illustrated versions of the linear algebra series, thanks to the help of Kurt Bruns and James Schloss:

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 8,426


Hey folks, the same group experimenting with making interactive quizzes for 3b1b started doing some for the linear algebra series. This is just for the first video, but we're curious to hear your impression as they make more

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 5,013


I don't know how many of you already follow ‪@WelchLabsVideo‬, but after a while away from YouTube he's come back putting out some real gems. This history of science is always messier than classroom summaries tend to make it look, and this video does a great job of getting into Kepler's head as he tries to make sense of planetary motion.

8 months ago | [YT] | 1,218