Hello, I'm Sontendo. I do lets plays and various other things. I especially like everything by Sony and Nintendo.--Current Projects--Sontendo and Ezglitch - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic *On hold*
17 videos
Random Bullshit
-1 video
6 videos
2 videos
Sontendo vs. EzGlItCh
18 videos
Sontendo and EzGlItCh
10 videos
Crash Bandicoot Sound Effects (HQ)
3 videos
Crash Bandicoot Warped Sound Effects (High Quality)
9 videos
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back Sound Effects
Hyperdimension Neptunia Hacking
Sontendo Plays
12 videos
Crash Bandicoot Ost (High Quality)
4 videos
Sontendo and EzGlItCh play - Toys R Us
Censored Games