If you were searching for seahorse or macroalgae info, you found the right place! Don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to see new videos! I plan to post videos each week (but life happens 🙄). From basic tank set up to treating sick seahorses, we'll be covering any question a new seahorse keeper might have!
I'll also be sharing information regarding macro algae, live feeds, featured reef tanks and much much more! Breeders and seahorse keepers around the world are contributing videos to make this channel a resource to help new seahorse keepers become successful, so stay tuned to learn tricks and hints from the pros! Hobbyists and reef experts will share their secrets and show off their tanks!
Upcoming videos will cover everything and anything you need to know in order to keep seahorses and macros, and help any hobbyist with their reef!
Thank you for watching!
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago