Matt McMillen Ministries

Matt McMillen is a bestselling Christian author and minister of the New Covenant. His books and massive social media ministry has taught countless amounts of people their true identity in Christ. Matt’s easy-to-understand biblical teachings have helped build confidence in his readers, break lifelong addictions, and find their true purpose for living: enjoying God’s grace through Jesus Christ!

Matt McMillen Ministries, All Rights Reserved

Matt McMillen Ministries

Not one time in the Bible, after the Cross, do we see a believer have a problem with a demon, nor possessed by a demon. Why? BECAUSE OF THE CROSS. Colossians 2:15 says they were disarmed when Jesus made a public spectacle of them.

The box church doesn't teach this, they want you afraid of demons, depending on someone to get them out of you, or focused on casting them out of others.

So today we'll cover:

Ephesians 6, putting on the full armor of God, which every believer has already done, and has nothing to do with a Christian being possessed.
James 4:7. Resist the devil and he will flee, proves that James doesn't understand what Jesus accomplished. Why would you resist an enemy who has been defeated and disarmed?

2 Corinthians 12:7. This isn't about Paul having a demon in his flesh, but instead, the Judaizers who followed him around appearing as "super apostles," trying to mix the Law in with grace. Read up to the passage for context.

Acts 16. Paul describes an unbeliever having a demon cast out of her, but he ignored the demon-possessed girl for days, proving casting out demons from unbelievers wasn't even the goal of the early church.

Acts 19. Some unbelieving exorcists are attacked by a demon, not Christians, and only when they use the name Jesus. They never had any problem casting out demons before that (hmmmmmm...).

Mark 16:17. This verse is not in the Bible. That chapter ends at verse 8. Many translations have removed it, and if they left it, it's notated that it's not in the earlier transcripts, which are more accurate. It was added in error by a scribe.

The reality is, Christians have no problems with demons because of what Jesus has done to them. Here's more...

1 week ago | [YT] | 0

Matt McMillen Ministries

James' letter is littered with covenant-mixture theology, false humility, confusing who you are with what you do, religious gaslighting, hierarchies, good-old-fashioned Christian guilt, and he even compares your works to demons (as if demons have works). James also attacks people who have money, claims you have evil desires, and then says God opposes the proud—when earlier he was bragging on his works to prove his faith. Double-talk and double-standards, describes his letter to a tee.

He makes no big deal of Jesus whatsoever and says your plans mean nothing, as if they're against the will of God. His writing is the quintessential foundation of the box church's man-made traditional theology. He says nothing about your complete forgiveness, righteousness, nor who you are as the new creation; nor does he say anything about your reconciliation or closeness with God. But, we still love James.

His letter should be in the Bible, and is God-breathed, just like everything else Law-based. But just like everything else Law-based, it's meant to force the self-righteous to repent toward grace instead. James should be read from the outside, looking in, with absolute confidence from the view of the Cross. This is how you rightly divide.

In today's brand-new Walk Talk, I go over 5 Reasons James Didn't Understand Grace, and Paul called the gospel, the gospel of grace in Acts 20...

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 3

Matt McMillen Ministries

"Faith without works is dead," from the book of James, has been used to say you must have works to prove your faith. However, there are two major things you must know when you read James' letter.

1. This is addressed to the Twelve Tribes. So unless you're Jewish, this is not even directed at you. James starts the letter out addressing it to the Jews only. If you're not Hebrew, you can't even apply it to yourself. You're originally a Gentile, a non-Jew.

2. James did not understand the New Covenant, and taught Covenant Mixture theology (Jesus + Law). James' epistle was one of the first epistles written. It was written before Acts 15 when the Council of Jerusalem happened. At that meeting, every apostle agreed that the believing Gentiles are not under the Law. Everyone, except for James.

Let's dive deeper in today's brand new Walk Talk!

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 3

Matt McMillen Ministries

In Philippians 2:12, Paul said to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Sadly, the box church has turned into "work for your salvation." The surrounding context of verses 1-18 is completely ignored, and salvation has been turned into a work.

In today's brand new Walk Talk I go over 5 Lies About Working Out Your Salvation, including faith without works is dead, from James 2...

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 6

Matt McMillen Ministries

Once Saved Always Saved has been debated for a very long time. However, when we understand what we are saved by (the life of Christ), it's a no brainer that OSAS is 100% true! Today, I went over 5 lies to unravel the truth! It's really good news!

1 month ago | [YT] | 9

Matt McMillen Ministries

Not once in the Bible does the text ever describe a pastor being paid. Sadly, the box church has taken passages about the tithe, which was food, and said, "No, this is for your pastor."

1 Corinthians 9:14 and 1 Timothy 5:17-18 has also been used in the same way, but neither passage has any context for paying pastors according to the Bible. It's good to support those who spread the message about Jesus, if it's needed, but the Bible doesn't say anything about pastors being paid...

1 month ago | [YT] | 3

Matt McMillen Ministries

The early church never tithed. Why would they? Tithing was part of the Law, and they had jettisoned the Law for grace. Sadly, in the third century, a man by the name of Cyprian of Carthage went back into the Judaic scriptures and pulled out Malachi's rebuke of Israel—for stealing food—and used it to say, "Don't rob God by not tithing your income!"

And here we have it. Countless churches teach this error and depend on a curse to support their church. Paul told the Galatians that all who rely on the Law are under a curse, and tithing was a part of the Law (Gal 3). So is there any part of the Bible where God commands you to tithe? And how will churches be supported if we begin practicing what Scripture actually teaches about how we are to give?

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 6

Matt McMillen Ministries

Not once in the Bible do we see anyone give a sermon. The word sermon isn't even in the scriptures. Sermons were one-man opinionative monologues given by Greek philosophers called sophists. Due to the fact that the early church were primarily Greco-Roman, these speeches-for-pay slipped into church gatherings. As a result, many people think they can't know anything about God unless they hear a weekly sermon. But the early church never gave them, nor listened to them.

So what does the Bible actually say about sermons?...

2 months ago | [YT] | 3

Matt McMillen Ministries

What we see today for our church gatherings is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Absolutely no part of it, whatsoever, can be backed up by Scripture. So how did we get to where we are, and what does the Bible say about "how to do church"? Let's find out in today's brand new Walk Talk, How to Do Church According to the Bible.

2 months ago | [YT] | 3

Matt McMillen Ministries

Not one time is a pastor, elder, or deacon described as a church leader, in Scripture; the word bishop isn't even in the Bible. Sadly, due to tradition of men, we've believed all of these words describe church leaders—yet biblically they're not. So if "they" don't lead the church, who does, and what do these words mean?

2 months ago | [YT] | 3