Hello lovely! Don't you look nice today!
Welcome to the Vixie Voice YouTube Channel where the stories are more than they appear!
I have a wide assortment of Roleplay, to help you get through the cyclone of crazy that is this world. It's almost like listening to an audiobook that starts you, just close your eyes and immerse yourself in the world I've created just for you!
Welcome adventurer and enjoy!
Yours Truly,
P.S. If you want to continue to help me grow this channel, please visit my Patreon and leave what you can ^^
Interested in collaborating with me?
Submit your scripts and ideas! - drive.google.com/open?id=1jd7WwTP2sRvsC70wWk2c1_VA…
Interested in a Vocal Collab? Email me at vixievoice@gmail.com with your video concept ^^
Shared 6 years ago
Shared 6 years ago