Though a "mighty pirate" by his own account, it is a running joke throughout the games for characters to garble Guybrush Threepwood's unusual name, either deliberately or accidentally.
Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood is the main character of the Monkey Island series of computer adventure games by LucasArts. The voice of Guybrush is actor Dominic Armato in the third, fourth and fifth games, as well as the enhanced remakes of The Secret of Monkey Island and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge.
"I'll be making here ,videos of retro /dos games mostly on this channel!"
Here's a list below of some GREAT mixed dos games i've completed or played "through" in 90's (there are some bits missing from the list cause i couldn't always remember all the games ..and yeah! it's been 20 years ;)) So ill be updating the list overtime! *-means i've completed -link below
& one last thing! I dont do commentaries, cause YouTube is already full of game playthrough /w commentaries..