Please subscribe to my Odysee account, since YouTube has restricted many things i can say on YouTube.

My interests are about the events of 9/11, and the areas that have had a direct influence pre and post on the day itself. These include:

U.S. Foreign Policy
Intelligence Agencies
Military Industrial Complex
Religious Fundamentalism
Middle East Affairs
The U.S-Israeli-Saudi Relationship
1993 WTC Bombing
Iran-Contra Investigations
B.C.C.I Bank Investigations
First Gulf War
The Saddam Hussein Tribunal
The U.S. Consulate Benghazi Attack Investigation
Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Of 9/11
The National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon The United States
Edited News Clips Of The Terrorist Events On September 11th 2001
Full News Broadcasts Of The Terrorist Events On September 11th 2001
Radio Broadcasts Of The Terrorist Events On September 11tth 2001

3,398 videos in 59 playlists currently

Adam Fitzgerald

About three years ago, i would publish an article which specifically went by information from the FBI's own investigations and the East Rutherford Police department investigations, into the five Israeli's detained and arrested on the afternoon of September 11th 2001. They were also known as the "Dancing Israeli's". While also adding some historical data point in between the crask all in chronological order. It was one of my longest written works to date.…

9 months ago | [YT] | 32

Adam Fitzgerald

In 2021, i wrote an article regarding the history of the US-Saudi Arabia relationship which officially began on board the naval vessel USS Quincy in 1945 when US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt met with King Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman Al Saud.…

1 year ago | [YT] | 19

Adam Fitzgerald

Last year i wrote an article pertaining to the Bush White House under its legal counsel, regarding the circumvention of the Constitution, and expanding Bush's ":war powers" act. Under his vice president, Dick Cheney, they would also authorize the President of the United States to label anyone who is considered a threat to the country and it's interests, as "enemy combatants".…

1 year ago | [YT] | 15

Adam Fitzgerald

My longest and most comprehensive article to date surrounds the first World Trade Center bombing attack on February 26th 1993. In this summary, i give the reader a full, detailed description of who the major players are and a timeline leading up to the events.…

1 year ago | [YT] | 24

Adam Fitzgerald

The forgotten story of the NSA wiretapping Osama Bin Laden satellite phone which led them to the Al Qaeda communications hub in Sana'a, Yemen. Michael Scheuer, Chief of Alec Station, would later remark, that the NSA had a "goldmine" of information.…

1 year ago | [YT] | 15

Adam Fitzgerald

Wrote an article in 2020 regarding the Defense Intelligence Agency covert program "Able Danger" and how the meta-data collected could have prevented the 9/11 attacks had it not been ordered destroyed and how the Pentagon tried to ruin the career of Anthony Shaffer,…

1 year ago | [YT] | 14

Adam Fitzgerald

The same people who made you believe that planes were holograms, are the same people who made you believe that the "9/11 hijackers" are still alive, are the same people who made you believe that there was no plane crashes at the Pentagon and Shanksville, are the same people who made you believe that Bush "did 9/11", are the same people who made you believe that directed energy lasers shot from the sky melted the towers to dust but left human skin untouched, are the same people who made you believe that the phone calls are faked, are the same people who made you believe that a missile shot from a US warship off the coast of the Atlantic damaged the Pentagon, are the same people who made you believe that the planes were actually swapped for military drones and the passengers and crew were forced to get off make phone calls and then shot somewhere and dumped god knows where, are the same people who made you believe that arabs are unable to hijack an crash planes because they are inept, are the same people who made you believe Osama Bin Laden is a CIA agent named Tim Osman, are the same people who made you believe that the Sandy Hook shooting was staged, the kids are alive and singing the national anthem at Super Bowl 51, that the moon landing were a hoax, that RFID chips are in the covid vaccines, that the 1993 WTC Bombing was perpetrated by the FBI, that the Boston Marathon bombing victims put on fake blood and wheelchair people who already had no legs played as crisis actors and that there are lizard people in charge of the world and get naked and screw young children at Bohemian Grove.

The list of people who made you believe this are the following who some have made a living, financially, off your ignorance while some may have not realized their own ignorance on the matters at hand and helped t spread disinformation while helping the actual perpetrators and those who committed malfeasance such as the CIA, NSA, Israeli Mossad, Saudi GID.

Nico Haupt
Richard Gage
Barbara Honegger
Jason Bermas (Loose Change)
Ace Baker
Judy Wood
David Ray Griffin
Kevin Barrett
Rebekah Roth
Christopher Bollyn
Barrie Zwicker
Dave Von Kleist
Morgan Reynolds
John Lear
Craig McKee
Craig Ranke
Aldo Marquis
Dominick DiMaggio
David Meiswinkle
Thierry Meyssan
Enver Masud
Elias Davidsson
Jim Fetzer
Massimo Mazzucco
Scott Bennett
Jeff Rense
Phil Jayhan
Rob Balsamo
Kevin Ryan
Russell Pickering
Eric Hufschmidt
Anthony Hilder
Ted Gunderson
Ole Dammegard
and who can forget the godfather of fraud and lies, Alex Jones

Thanks to these people they have misinformed tens of millions of people who believe in absurdities rather than the reality. They claimed to fight against the state, while actually helping them get away with foreknowledge, intentional withholding of information and maybe even worse. In the end, the 9/11 Truth Movement failed, not because they didn't try and inform the people thru grassroots activism, but because they became the disinformation.

2 years ago | [YT] | 37

Adam Fitzgerald

2 years ago | [YT] | 25