About : ღ Love Always ... ღ

I'm an eternal romantic, even if I know reality is not always true.

● Favourite TV shows | Charmed | Dr Who | Chuck | Queer As Folk | Spartacus | Stargate Atlantis | Stargate SG1 | The Vampire Diaries | Torchwood | White Collar |

● Favorite Movies | Armageddon | Australia | Brokeback Mountain | Ironman | Kindom of Heaven | Thor | Pirates of Carribean | Star Wars(old and new) | The Avengers (all Movies) | The X-Men |

● OTP Couples | Phoebe + Coop | 10th Doctor + Rose | Brian + Justin | Agron + Nasir | Crixus + Neavia |Sheppard + Weir | Carter + O'Neill | Damon + Elena | Jack + Ianto | Tosh + Owen | Neal + Sara