Hi, I'm Sujoy from India. I'm an engineer & educator. I've created educational video tutorials on- Statistics and Probability, Financial and Business Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Operations Research(OR), Computer Science & Engineering(CSE), Electrical Technology(ET), Number Systems, Math Magic Tricks, Science Experiments etc. I also have videos on- India Travel and Tourism, Street Foods videos, Do-It-Yourself(DIY) videos, How-to guides, Life Hacks etc.
I'll show you how to do maths easily using your Casio fx-991ES & fx-82MS scientific calculators,and how to get good score in maths!
I explain things in an easy way. I always try to find a better & easy way to do things! I want to do something useful for my country and for the mankind. I love to travel & eat! Keep visiting my channel regularly for new videos. And don't forget to subscribe :-)
Sujoy Krishna Das.(Educational & Travel Videos Creator).