個人簡介 / 个人简介 / About me:
CHT: 不專業的V家/U家調教師(以調翻為主),本人除了發布自己的作品外,不定時也會搬運或轉載有趣或個人喜歡的音樂或影片。
CHS: 不专业的V家/U家调教师(以调翻为主),本人除了发布自己的作品外,不定时也会搬运或转载有趣或个人喜欢的音乐或视频。
EN: An unprofessional Vocaloid / UTAU Manipulator (mostly do cover). Besides upload my own video, I also reprint the musics or the videos I liked from the other sites sometimes.

關於此頻道 / 关于此频道 / About this channel:
CHT: 本頻道之音樂(影片)僅做分享用途,其著作權屬作曲者所有。
CHS: 本频道之音乐(视频)仅做分享用途,其著作权属作曲者所有。
EN: This channel's musics (videos) are for sharing only, all copyrights are belong to those songs' artists or composers.

mp3 download links:
Please click on MEGA, MediaFire, or Baidu Cloud links below, thank you.

※Please do not reprint my videos to other places without my agreement (except the reprinted videos), and do not leave the junk comments under my video, thank you.