I'm playing double bass, electric basses (4 and 5-string) and acoustic bassguitar from Swing to Bop & more.

Videos from:

- A FINE ROMANCE - my main project with Angèle Thijs (v)

- HOFER. FREUDIGER. (& BOVET.) - contemporary jazz with edges: Ulrich Hofer (p) and sometimes Lucien Bovet (dr)

- DOUBLE-DOUBLE-TROUBLE -- a first glimpse ("Shorts" down below) of our new project with Matteo Burci (b)

- THIJS AGAIN - a project with Angèle Thijs (v) and Pat Enz (g) from about 2012 to 2017

- Daniel Cerny & Friends - a bunch of guys doing jam sessions. Daniel Cerny is a Bienne based pianist and Jazz-teacher.

- FlagstaffJazz - my previous project with Angèle and Andy Brand (v). Not active anymore, but, well, never say never.

- Enz/Freudiger - sometimes, Pat & me are playing as a duo, too