Theresa C. Sanchez

Writer. Designer. Photographer. Business Owner! Please subscribe & "Like" me on Facebook. The bulk of what you'll find on this page is footage from concerts and events I've attended/covered. While I popped my official concert "cherry" in 1994 with Pearl Jam, I didn't start uploading the videos online until 2009. If it's worth doing, seeing, or experiencing locally, nationally, and internationally, and I'm there, you'll find its corresponding recorded material here!
[I am a reporter. I was tasked with covering a band & wrote a show review. I am not affiliated with the band or Comet Ping Pong. I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO w/ pedophilia or the exploitation of small children/babies. This is a page for music - not continuous attacks on my character. A member of Boston Globe’s “Spotlight” team that exposed the priest pedophilia case in Boston in 2002 even mentored me. These repeated attacks are unfounded and quite frankly & are making all of you look even more absurd. Please stop.]