Hello everyone! My name is Ashley H and I am an indie Vtuber, voice actor, singer, professional fangirl and the creator of the audio drama series "Remembrance" which is based on the SFM by the same name.
3 videos
The Chosen One (A Musical Short Story) MLP GEN5
AuraNova (Ashley H)
97 videos
Collabs and Projects On Other Channels
31 videos
Remembrance Songs and Music
99 videos
People React to Remembrance!
9 videos
Remembrance Episodes
19 videos
4 videos
Mlp Dark Parodies (Halloween 2017)
Villains of S9 Solo Songs
10 videos
Steven Universe Cover and Parodies
6 videos
Mlp Season 8 Covers
Ponies Sing...
Remmas 2016
Convention Announcements
7 videos
Twilight Roasts the Comments (And does other things)
The Hallelujah Series
2 videos
Equestria Girls Shorts Covers
Mlp Movie (2017) Song Covers
Kpop Covers AshleyH
5 videos
Remmas 2017
Remembrance Hype
Season 7 Covers
Mlp Feels
Comic Dubs
-1 video
The Love Live Project
My Little Hamilton
Remembrance Character Song Series
Ashley and Silver Collab Madness Week
2017 Voice Reels
Rem Specials