Bluebeard2011 (The Origional Bluebeard )

my aim is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth
I aim to find the truth and then get it out there as im sick of videos that are just pictures and just some text if I wanted to read I look at web pages so I try to put a new spin of the truth by being as blunt as I can be and man do I love sceptics I think they all should just stick their heads in the sand and call themselves ostriches and as for trolls your comments get wiped daily so sorry but if you cant say or speak with intelligence your comments don't see light of day just like the basement dwellers you are so when your comment gets wiped you only have to run up the stairs to get sympathy from mum ! now hurry up your late for middle school and I hate spellcheck grammar wingers even more so I and I hate using full-stop as I don't have to breath while im reading so I call a shovel a shovel but I do call anyone that thinks we are alone in the vast universe a fracking idiot come really were alone idiots the lot of them