WRIC ABC 8News in Richmond is Central Virginia’s source for local news, weather and political news from the Capitol. Covering the City of Richmond and Chesterfield, Henrico and Hanover counties, 8News reports breaking news, crime updates and community news that matters where you live. Find us online at www.wric.com/.

Our coverage includes:

TAKING ACTION: Investigative reports supporting people in our community and holding businesses and elected officials accountable. www.wric.com/news/taking-action/

POSITIVELY RICHMOND: There’s so much to love and appreciate in the River City. Positively Richmond showcases the people and stories that make Richmond a great place to live. www.wric.com/community/positively-richmond/

CAPITOL CONNECTION: The latest updates from the state Capitol covering the issues, people and trends in Virginia politics. www.wric.com/news/politics/capitol-connection/