Dayton Street Preachers

Our goal is to share and contend for the proper understanding of the Bible. Understanding the Bible is the most important thing in your life because it is by God's Word that you will be judged when you die. Click the PDF File below to receive a free copy of the "Foundation Pillars of the Christian Faith" packet.
Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Foundational Pillars of the Christian Faith Packet:…

Dayton Street Preachers

John brings an encouraging Word on being Made Alive! You need life! Be blessed!!!

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 2

Dayton Street Preachers

Please pray for the lawyers around the country that are fighting to protect religious liberty. This is one ministry that has lawyers around the country and play a part in getting Godly judges appointed. They need your prayer for protection and influence for religious liberty and constitutional right to be upheld for Christians in America. Whether it be in homeschooling, the work place, schools, colleges, or in the public space there are lawyers that will represent you if your rights to be a christian are violated. We have a right to let our light shine everywhere we go. Don't let society put your light out. Don't be ashamed of Jesus. Be bold for the righteous standard of God and do not compromise the faith. God bless you!
Pastor Jacob Blankenship

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 4

Dayton Street Preachers

Today's outreach in Ohio

1 month ago | [YT] | 3

Dayton Street Preachers

This is Pastor Duanne's church channel from preach the Word ministries. Subscribe if you like good holiness teaching. God bless you!

1 month ago | [YT] | 4

Dayton Street Preachers

Two upcoming conference anouncements

2 months ago | [YT] | 4

Dayton Street Preachers

Beloved Saints, please pray for us today. We are going to Central State to preach God's Word. Thank you very much. God answers prayers!
Much love in Jesus,
Pastor Jacob

3 months ago | [YT] | 15

Dayton Street Preachers

Preaching a demonic Halloween event in Ohio

3 months ago | [YT] | 3

Dayton Street Preachers

Dear friends, Let us remember the hurricane victims in our prayers today in Florida. By God's grace He slowed it down to a category 3 so we are thankful to Him for that. But there is still loss of life and homes. And much flooding all throughout the state, especially in the Tampa Bay Area. And Please Continue to pray that America would repent and prepare to meet God! Judgment is coming!!! Repent or Perish! God Bless You with repentance before its forever too late!

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 16

Dayton Street Preachers

Preaching outreach at wright state very fruitful.

5 months ago | [YT] | 2

Dayton Street Preachers

This is my precious daughter Jubilee. I love her more than my life and i show that by protecting her and raising her up in the holy ways of the Lord. The office of a Father is a sacred office given by God. God has entrusted fathers to protect there families by keeping them away from worldly things and influences. We do not expose our children to worldliness and defilement because we don't want them to get a taste of the world. Also, God commands us not to have fellowship with unbelievers. When we go to the store and they see things (immodesty, smokers, tattoos, bad music) we teach them that this is wicked and this is what people do that do not love God. We read the bible to them atleast 3 times a day and they read the bible on their own all the time. They love God and are already having encounters with the Lord! I have laid down relationships with almost all family, that the generational curses might be broken. If people are not going to be a good influence in my kids life and they aren't willing to respect our holy standards when they are around us, then they gotta go. Noone is an exception. All this for love! All this to raise them up with the greatest chance of going to heaven. What are you willing to do to keep your children unspotted from the world?

Luke 17:2 It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

6 months ago | [YT] | 27