This is My ALL NEW FOCUS for my page "DEENA'S WORLD"! You people will get an up close and personal look into the mind of one of the most innovative Women of Philosophy & Thought!!!!

Expect the Unexpected with me....ALWAYS!!!! I will say whatever is on my mind and whatever I think, with NO HESITATION PEOPLE~

I will also reveal the most personal emotions of my being, which never know what may be coming to you in my videos!!!!

And for those Who May View Me as Nothing More Than a Typical Idiot.....Check Out The Stats People:

Who's Who Among American College Students (2003, 2007)

College Dean's List ( 7 Times)

National Honors Society Scholarship Recipient (2004)

Cal Grant Winner (4.0 Gpa to Date)

Mark Twain Scholarship Award Winner

JROTC Scholarship Recipient

Oakland Tribune Speech Winner (2 times)

Alameda County Yearbook Association (1st Place Winner for Writing My High School Yearbook)