The creator of this channel, his name is Leonardo Yuri, has AUTISM (severe level), but is very developed for technology, edits his videos by himself without any help, can't imagine how much is seen, because he produces for himself to see. At the age of 12, he created this channel without even his family knowing, he learned by himself and started publishing. He does not communicate by speech, but he is quite agile on the computer keyboard. Autism prevents him from communicating with other people, he takes controlled medication, and has therapies with several professionals, such as: psychologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist, and neurologist, among others. The family often needs help to carry out these therapies. We are leaving the Banco Bradesco Branch, Branch: 3726-5, Account: 8412-3 (Brazil), PIX: 33505942200, for people who can help us carry out Leonardo's therapies. My name is Nelvanize Silveira, I am Leonardo's mother. THANKS TO THOSE WHO CAN HELP US AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU.