David "SgtPepperArc360" Egan - SPA360

Hello, folks!

I'm David Egan, aka SgtPepperArc360. On this channel, my three main subjects of focus are technology, music, and art. Occasionally, you'll find vlogs, reaction videos, and whatnot. A very creative person, I am currently a student in Rochester Institute of Technology, majoring in digital arts and graphic design.
In 2016, I joined a YouTube-based entertainment group called the Powerhouse of Entertainment, but over the years, it had gone through a loophole and rather horrific events and had met its demise in the meantime. Whatever it was, I was just fine.

full name: David John Egan IV
pronouns: he, him, his
age: 22 Years
nationality: American
main computer: Acer PREDATOR HELIOS 300 (Windows 10, Intel Core i7)
favorite technology brands: Samsung, Sony
main music program: OpenMPT
main video editing program: VEGAS PRO

All videos on this channel are copyright-protected; any infringement will be reported, and the stolen video(s) will be taken down!
Take this seriously, folks!