All uploaded movies on my profile are in full possession of the ©Walt Disney Company and I do not own, nor will I ever own any of them.
No copyright infringement intended.

If you want me to upload some scenes or songs from Disney movies, just write me a comment or a private message and I'll try to do it. But FIRST check carefully whether that video's not already uploaded by other user on youtube.

However, I WILL NOT upload whole Disney movies, so don't ask me to do it, please. I don't want this account to be closed because of that.

to polish-speaking people:
Jeśli znalazłeś błąd w tekście piosenki/wiesz, jak uzupełnić jakąś lukę/znasz niespisany tekst, to NAPISZ mi o tym w komentarzu lub w prywatnej wiadomości, a ja chętnie dodam twoje poprawki!(;