The Grass-fed Homestead is all about using permaculture principles to ethically and sustainably raise plants and animals to provide my family with healthy, nutrient-dense sustenance while regenerating our landscape.
5 videos
Solar Battery Bank
The Grass-fed Homestead
3 videos
15 videos
Livestock Guardian Dog (and Llama)
47 videos
Tess - Bah Bah Blacktail Farm Videos
9 videos
Discovering Home Series
2 videos
Video Editing
27 videos
Sheep Educational
John Deere 750 Tractor
4 videos
Homestead Business
14 videos
Willow - Akbash
Broiler Chickens
11 videos
Gloucestershire Old Spot Pigs
7 videos
The Chicken Tractor
8 videos
Mobile Sheep Shelter
Justin Rhodes
6 videos
Chick Brooder
Meat Curing
The Carport/Outbuilding/Shop
16 videos
Preparing for Winter
24 videos
Primal Cooking
Pasturing Pigs
Getting Started with Chickens
Sheep Breeding
Sheep Breed Series
18 videos
Farm Tour
Traditional Catholic Homestead
Homestead Pig Breeds
The Great American Farm Tour
Healthier Home