This is Main Domain of a musician, semi-computer geek, artist, brony, furry and Eagle Scout. This specific Channel is mainly designed to display .mid files /sheet music for songs that have not yet been remade yet or PREVIEWS of MY songs.

**NOTE: I will not do any video that currently has purchasable sheet music due to copyright laws.**

Software I Use:

-Finale 2012 (version C)
-FL Studio 20.3
-Adobe Audition CS5.5
-Adobe Flash CS5.5
-Adobe Illustrator CS5.5
-Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
-Midi Player 3.0 for iOS
-Alex Gross' (Xewton) Music Studio for iOS

If you have sheet music that you would like to post as a video and that follow the ** above, let me know so I can help you. I will also do channel music, vectors, logos, and animations upon request. Just leave me a message!

If you are looking for any tutorials for the software listed above, basic programming tutorials, piano/sheet music tutorials or computer/hardware QA, just let me know! I will be glad to help.