Avishya was launched in 2016 as a 100% online handloom platform. The Founders vision was to build a business that would connect the makers of the finest Indian handloom sarees and clothing directly to consumers worldwide. With 4 million handloom weavers spread across 100 plus weaving clusters, they believed Avishya's online platform could be a game-changer for Indian handlooms.

Over the last 7 years, Avishya has built a strong and loyal online customer base of discerning women for its collection of premium, high end handloom sarees. Over 60% of their customers are international - women from the Indian diaspora in US, UK and other countries. In addition to a strong customer base in India.

The Avishya retail store in Chennai offers a warm, cozy and relaxed shopping ambience. The finely curated collections range from Grand Wedding Sarees like Banarasi, Kanjivaram, Maheshwari and Gadwal to artistically woven Cotton Classics like Bhujodi, Bandhani and Bagh printed sarees.