Creating LoFi music for relaxing studying moments.. Japanese Lofi or normal Relaxing Lofi we got you covered.
Enjoy and experience the beauty of asia through music.
IMPORTANT: Our Music from 2021 - 2022 is and remains Copyright free for Content Creators, you can use it on Twitch or YouTube however you like! Just mention us for our music in the description and we are cool!
Our Music released from 2023 onwards, ARE NOT COPYRIGHT FREE, if you do NOT plan to monetize your Video you can use it, but the Video will be claimed by us on YouTube. Unless you have a micro license or our permission where we clear the claim.
For Twitch Streaming you can use it however you like- just a mention from time to time would be awesome!
We will NEVER DMCA or Strike any Videos under any circumstances! YouTube or Twitch.
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago