44 videos
Yale ISM
13 videos
Music and the Black Church
10 videos
ISM Fellows
28 videos
Yale Schola Cantorum
18 videos
Yale Lectures in Late Antique and Byzantine Art and Architecture
5 videos
Yale Voxtet
15 videos
Yale Camerata
62 videos
Lectures & Discussions
7 videos
Religion, Ecology, and Expressive Culture Initiative
2 videos
Ritual Transformations of Consciousness - Black Sacred Arts Conference 2023
4 videos
Eternal Gain: A Symposium on Dr. Mattie Moss Clark and The Clark Sisters
9 videos
Africana Sacred Healing Arts: First annual conference of the Black Sacred Arts Series
12 videos
Meet the ISM Faculty
Student Life Interviews
Performing the Passion
6 videos
You Can't Sing It For Them
Accompanying the Dying and the Dead in the Time of COVID
Yale Schola Cantorum | Music for Holy Week and Easter 2021
Yale Schola Cantorum | A Series of Lessons and Carols 2020
Reflections from Quarantine