Entrepreneur Scan, a data-driven software suite of tests and tools, in which you can compare yourself with other entrepreneurs.
With E-Scan, you see graphically and textually how you score on essential competencies as an entrepreneur and what type of entrepreneur you are. And whether that fits with the phase of your company and what you still lack. Moreover, you will receive personalized tips and advice. For teams, there is also an additional E-Scan Team Analysis that indicates precisely how strong the entrepreneurial team is.
Over 1,000,000 (aspiring) entrepreneurs gained instant insight with E-Scan. In our video's we explain more about what the entrepreneurial mindset is, how our software tests and tools help you and what impact it makes.
In several entrepreneurship programs (Chambers of Commerce, OECD, Young Enterprise), E-Scan's validity has been reconfirmed: survival rates went up to 89% after 5 years, and the entrepreneurial mindset grew by 45,4% in just 1 year.