a whimsical channel of the odd, politicians behaving badly, as well as a citizen journalist view of living in "Portlandia" , "Moscow on the Willamette", "Little Beiruit", "Slackerville" laugh, shake your head, visit or move here... its all in the spirit of PulpPortland .
Regular on the Jayne Carroll Show, Conservative Council and has had videos selected for articles in Breitbart ,Professor Doom,OGN,The Daily Caller, Kris Anne Hall,Call of Duty Goddess,The 405 Media,Go local PDX,Progressives Today and The Victory Girls Blog, Independent Journal review , Sean Hannity , Louder with Steven Crowder., Victoria Taft ,Milo Yiannopoulos, Infowars and blog contributor to The Red Elephant and had video footage featured in A&E Documentary “Divided states of America”.