UFONEARSUN - myunhauzen74

Hello everybody! This channel is devoted to the research of UFOs and Anomalies near our Sun and in the circumsolar space. Any of you can help this channel. This channel is independent of the government and other organizations. All the videos on the channel are genuine. (RUS)Привет всем! Этот канал посвящен исследованиям НЛО и Аномалий возле нашего Солнца и в околосолнечном пространстве. Любой из вас может помочь этому каналу. Этот канал не зависим от правительства и других организаций. Все видео материалы на канале являются подлинными.
More and more people on Earth, see the mysterious phenomena in the sky, as well as unidentified flying objects. Governments of all countries withhold information from its citizens and put pressure on witnesses and the media. This resource was created to promote the free flow of information on UFOs and paranormal phenomena, bypassing the ban and censorship of the government. People need to know the truth!