Singer/Minister: I'm Devoted to YAH and the Hebraic Roots of the Christian faith. I release Biblically-based music. (R&B, Pop, Hip Hop, Trap, Ambient, Lofi, Chill, Gospel, Reggae)
Yah is the short poetic Hebrew form of our Creator's name YAHUAH aka Yahawah, Yahweh, Yehovah. In Ancient Hebrew, the letters of the Father's name (YHUH) are described as Hand Behold Nail Behold. Backwards that's Behold Nail Behold Hand. The name of His Son is YAHUSHA also known as Yahushua, Yashua, Joshua, and Jesus. The Son's name means "YAH IS SALVATION'. His hands were pierced for our sins on the cross (Zachariyahu 12:10). He paid the wages of our sins with His life by becoming a man and dying on the cross. All music and content you see from this channel is rooted from this place of gratitude for God paying the fine I owe for breaking His law.