Hi, I am Aditi. I help individuals find jobs and help entrepreneurs earn more through dedicated career & business strategies
Through "ASPIRE TO PROGRESS" - a career & employment strategy platform I empower individuals to make better career choices and find better opportunities through the following services :-
1. Resume Writing & Review
2. Cover Letter Writing & Review
3. Job Search Support
4. LinkedIn Profile Creation & Optimization
5. Career Clarity Mentorship/Career Counselling
6. SOP & LOR Writing & Review
7. Interview Preparation
8. Skill Development Mentorship
Through "AditiMaheshwariandCo" - a business and brand strategy management platform, I mentor small business owners in setting up, operating and expanding their business through through the following services :-
1. Content Writing, Strategy and Management
2. Digital Marketing
3. Branding Strategy
4. Sales Strategy
5. Business Portfolio
6. Standard Operating Procedures
7. Business Strategy Management