Quiet... Now listen close, because I'm only going to say this once.
I upload Military Tribute, Aviation and Metal Gear videos.
My MGO Clan is -F0X-H0UND- (o=zero)
(I was CL, but I handed it over to Pomo! since I don't play much anymore)

R.I.P. Billy Mays

I just wanted to say that I feel sorry that he died. I grew to like him after watching the hundreds of commercials he's been in. More so when he got his own show. I learned that hes just a person and the way he pitched was his job. I also wanted to say that my heart goes out to the Mays family and to everyone at Telebrands and Anthony Sullivan. Billy was a great guy and he was probably one of the nicest people in the world. This is a great loss just because he was great at what he does but also to everyone that knew him and loved him. R.I.P. Billy.

(^ Copy paste for Billy Mays tribute)