The Temptations, are world-renowned superstars of entertainment, revered for their phenomenal catalog of music and prolific career. The group recently released an album, Temptations 60, with nearly all-original songs, and are touring in the U.S! While the group has evolved over the years, Dr. Otis Williams has continued to lead the group and carry the torch forward for the next generation of Temptations’ fans.

The Temptations have been recognized for their cultural prevalence by many, including Billboard Magazine and Rolling Stone Magazine. The Temptations’ influence and contributions to, not only American culture and African American communities but also to the global music landscape are monumental. The influence that The Temptations had on mainstream and global artists, such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and others, is undeniable. The group’s popularity is ever-increasing and they are one of the most iconic, best selling brands in the entertainment world today.


Shared 55 years ago