Tired of aching muscles holding you back? I've spent over 30 years helping people overcome chronic pain and discover their potential through yoga.

Forget boring stretches! I'm Yogi Aaron, creator of AYAMA™, a revolutionary yoga method that combines smart anatomy and muscle activation to transform your body and mind.

Looking for diverse exercise videos? You've found the right channel! I guide you through tailored yoga practices for various fitness goals and body areas. Concerned about misleading exercise advice? I've got your back with reaction videos to help you avoid common mistakes and optimize your workouts.

My uplifting laugh, adventurous spirit, and incredible healing journey make me a one-of-a-kind yoga teacher. Join my global yoga community at The Yogi Club, or learn from me at my Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training Immersions

Want to know more about my unique approach? Head over to my website: yogiaaron.com/