Welcome to my channel! I'm a rider from Navi Mumbai. My passion for bikes grew after purchasing the Pulsar N160 and watching numerous motovlogs on YouTube. Inspired by this, I decided to turn my passion into reality and start my own motovlogging journey.

On this channel, you'll find ride reviews, motovlogs, and other related content. I hope you enjoy the videos and pick up something new. If you do, don't forget to hit the subscribe button and tap the bell icon to stay updated on my latest uploads!

For even more support, you can join my channel and also send Superchats or Superthanks

Connect with me on Instagram and Facebookโ€”links are provided below. Thank you for your continued support and feedback!

***Subscribers Count ***
*50 - 23-Sept.- 2023
*100 - 03-Oct. - 2023
*200 - 28-Oct. - 2023
*500 - 15-May - 2024
(takes long interval, i think because of 2 active copyright strikes)
*1000 - 22-Oct. -2024
*2000 - soooon.....
* Completed 3k watch hrs and channel monetized 25-11-2024