2 videos
TOFA-NY Awards 2012
4 videos
kobe concert
14 videos
Indonesia Concert
8 videos
indonesia tour
Infinity Tour Dubai
-1 video
infinity tour motorcade
3 videos
wow FM radio interview dec 10, 2011
9 videos
christmas with cha dec 02
5 videos
charice cnn dec 02 2011
11 videos
nov 25 2011 DFF in vegas
6 videos
dff malaysia oct 22
sept 29, 2011 charice live in qatar
17 videos
charice f1 day 2 singapore sept 24
29 videos
charice f1 sept 23 singapore
charice go pinoy go in hollywood
sept 11 nfl tribute
sept 11 2010 weekly videos
16 videos
2011 Vegas End Of summer Block Party
Sept 23-24 2011 F1 in Singapore
chaster jianee tribute
charice teen choice awards 8711
july 16 & 17 Charice at DFF napa valley
june 24 2011 charice in singapore
7 videos
june 27 2011 weekly video
2011 june 8 weekly videos